STEAM PjBL Based Mathematics Learning Building Spaces Integrated Wisdom Local


  • Nur Ngazizah Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo
  • Inggrit Nada Prahasdita Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo


teaching module, mathematics, STEAM PjBL approach


This research aims to develop learning tools using the STEAM PjBL approach. The type of research used is a research and development of the ADDIE model which consists of five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The result is to produce teaching modules and student worksheets (LKPD) for Mathematics learning material for building cubes and blocks based on STEAM PjBL which is integrated with local wisdom in the form of Purworejo batik and Javanese script. This learning tool provides students with the opportunity to: 1) Knowledge about the properties of objects in the surrounding environment (Science), 2) Use ICT in the form of laptops to look for Purworejo batik design ideas (Technology), 3) Students design mesh patterns for building space and Purworejo batik (Engineering), 4) Students explore their creativity in the art of drawing on Purworejo batik and Javanese script (Art), 5) Students apply the concept of scale to drawing mesh patterns of spatial shapes (Mathematics). So it can be said that the teaching modules and LKPD using the STEAM PjBL approach have received qualifications worthy of being applied in the teaching and learning process and the products that have been developed can be used by teachers in learning. The implications of this research are useful in helping students to develop 21st century skills, namely 4C skills in accordance with the independent curriculum.


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How to Cite

Ngazizah, N., & Prahasdita, I. N. . (2024). STEAM PjBL Based Mathematics Learning Building Spaces Integrated Wisdom Local. Education, Science, and Technology International Conference, 2(1), 157–167. Retrieved from